First Contest QUARRY FOCUS
The University Club is pleased to announce the birth delprimo photo competition
CAVA FOCUS " open to all professional and amateur photographers,
no age limit.
Competitors may submit up to three photographs
for each of the following sections:
• A - Section theme: Christmas atmosphere (color or b / w)
• B - Section free theme (color or b / n)
• C - Section MMS: free theme
The photographs should be sent no later than the end of
January 18, 2009 to the address on the notice.
Download registration form.
Request information.
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Daily Behavior Report Card Template
Budget on the Prize Demo copyright - Sele D'Oro, held in Oliveto Citra (Salerno) with the victory of NoBraino
From September 10 to 12 and the lush valley of the Sele 'was the environment they have experienced the passions of the local youth and good vibrations emitted by the duo and Pergolani Marengo. For more 'distracted remember that the South and Gold Award Sele' now in its XXIV edition, based on a review of theater and performance, enhanced by lectures and panel discussions. Of these, certainly indicated that with Mimmo Liguoro of TG3, all dedicated to the value of the journalist moderno.Nato in 1985 from an idea by Carmine Pignata and 'bet,' cause the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe initiative is to promote talents of the South against Italy a logic assistential. As if to say: we leave the future of the South in the hands of Southern unconditionally to the alleged extraordinary interventions in the South, as unfortunately too many years of bad government we have become accustomed. On this lush humus a young plant is growing and strong: and 'collaboration with the public service provided by Demos, the radio program designed and conducted by Michael Pergolani and Renato Marengo. As you know every night from 23:23 on the frequencies of Radio 1, the two acchiappatalenti are the best of what 's come to the office. The match between the Sele and Demo Golden has created a first important result and it was these three days of the Prize Demo of authority as you can 'guess from the title, and Marengo led Pergolani Oliveto Citra to the best of these young artists went from their program, chosen from among those who make pop music and theater songs. Signed to the task of coordinating the jury which included record (Giulio Tedeschi Toast of Turin), conducting radio and authors (Gianmaurizio Foderaro Radio1), internationally famous singers (I mean Patrick Del Vasco, known for Valsa de Euridice, where worked with Toquino), promoter (Gino Aveta all), but also the SIAE (represented by Philip Gasparro, head of events) and IMAIE (from the Central Secretariat and 'Stephen Torossi). To these have been joined by employees of RAI Demo in people Matteo Ghidoni, Cristiana Affaitati and Valentina Galli: logical to have them in the jury, 'cause those who are with Marengo and Pergolani have a daily relationship with the individual musicians, which therefore' know the life, death, miracles, ambitions and passions ..... Let's see in detail singles nights (the artists are presented in order of appearance on stage) .... Wednesday '10 September. In race NoBraino (Riccione), Kiara White (Benevento), Zed (Salerno), Awa (Rome / Paris) and the Company dell'Encelado Proud (Syracuse). Avion Travel.Giovedi guests' hunger for race 11 Settembre.In Camilla (Bari), Tavernicoli (Vicenza), Fabularasa (Bari), Nathalie (Rome) and Alessandro Mancuso (Palermo). Guest Teresa De SioVenerdi '12 Settembre.In race NoBraino (Riccione), Tavernicoli (Vicenza), the hunger for Camilla (Bari) and Zed (Salerno). Guest Sleeping
The victory went to NoBraino that hit, as well as for the lyrics and music, including the spectacular exhibition. The group of Riccione has won the prestigious award in front of an enthusiastic audience of over 3000 people. The jury and 'was accompanied by the popular one: as I have seen (and to tell on stage) is the technique that populate each evening have been found in the reviews agree complessivi.Cio' I said pointing out some peculiarities' of each single evening, so 'that you had a transitory memory, then putting it in the book memories that sooner or later I will write'...... as well as the spirit with which the Author and Demo of 'developed (more' repeatedly from the stage is by Renato Marengo Michael Pergolani, perfectly integrated with each other, without any plot or rehearsal ... so were going to arm !), among the musicians I've seen a lot of collaboration / complicity 'and almost never rivalry' or envious: I am a witness of small gestures that make the magic in life backstage ... photo of a performance made by the group which then would perform ... cd to more exchanges of 'I can not ... number of cells passed from one band to another ... appointments for the following days ... suggestions from musicians about what kind of arrangement do .... nice! Really nice, a crystal-clear air to breathe like this, but the guilt 'of Marengo and Pergolani,' cause they are so accustomed to 'the musicians who went from demo and believe in the philosophy of this trasmissione.Un thanks from my guests: I have the pleasure to meet again after decades Avion Travel, I made four good laugh with Teresa De Sio (which obviously took me around 'cause the stress via e-mail and offered a lot of passion in her performance) and then I embraced Simon Webbe (talking about our respective babies), also because 'I presume to call myself a friend of his ... I've seen him grow and mature artistically, as we also noticed that many in Oliveto Citra have submerged the applausi.Tra young, I too agree on the choice of the four finalists and the victory of NoBraino: their musical project 's damn mature and ready to explode, just to find good professionals to work with. I'm excited for the rhythmic pop of a couple of songs from The Hunger for Camilla (songs that I've already 'imagined version of video clips) of the composition of courage Tavernicoli (gypsies performed to classical music, through the wastelands of Siberia, without the use of the word ...) and the power of group of Zed, a singer company of friends and boyfriends that make you jump on the spot where you sit. Even if they did not arrive to the final, really thrilling show the Awa, and Nathan Fabularasa: all three have in fact missed the third night for a handful of votes, and would certainly deserved. Want to see me touch 'also produce their cd? They deserve it ... call me at Marengo and
Pergolani ...... ready? Could you pass the acchiappatalenti? Each of the musicians that has' appeared more stressed 'times the professionalism' of the stage and service available: on this good work done by the Royal Box by Gianni Sergio and coordination offered by Gino have.
The victory went to NoBraino that hit, as well as for the lyrics and music, including the spectacular exhibition. The group of Riccione has won the prestigious award in front of an enthusiastic audience of over 3000 people. The jury and 'was accompanied by the popular one: as I have seen (and to tell on stage) is the technique that populate each evening have been found in the reviews agree complessivi.Cio' I said pointing out some peculiarities' of each single evening, so 'that you had a transitory memory, then putting it in the book memories that sooner or later I will write'...... as well as the spirit with which the Author and Demo of 'developed (more' repeatedly from the stage is by Renato Marengo Michael Pergolani, perfectly integrated with each other, without any plot or rehearsal ... so were going to arm !), among the musicians I've seen a lot of collaboration / complicity 'and almost never rivalry' or envious: I am a witness of small gestures that make the magic in life backstage ... photo of a performance made by the group which then would perform ... cd to more exchanges of 'I can not ... number of cells passed from one band to another ... appointments for the following days ... suggestions from musicians about what kind of arrangement do .... nice! Really nice, a crystal-clear air to breathe like this, but the guilt 'of Marengo and Pergolani,' cause they are so accustomed to 'the musicians who went from demo and believe in the philosophy of this trasmissione.Un thanks from my guests: I have the pleasure to meet again after decades Avion Travel, I made four good laugh with Teresa De Sio (which obviously took me around 'cause the stress via e-mail and offered a lot of passion in her performance) and then I embraced Simon Webbe (talking about our respective babies), also because 'I presume to call myself a friend of his ... I've seen him grow and mature artistically, as we also noticed that many in Oliveto Citra have submerged the applausi.Tra young, I too agree on the choice of the four finalists and the victory of NoBraino: their musical project 's damn mature and ready to explode, just to find good professionals to work with. I'm excited for the rhythmic pop of a couple of songs from The Hunger for Camilla (songs that I've already 'imagined version of video clips) of the composition of courage Tavernicoli (gypsies performed to classical music, through the wastelands of Siberia, without the use of the word ...) and the power of group of Zed, a singer company of friends and boyfriends that make you jump on the spot where you sit. Even if they did not arrive to the final, really thrilling show the Awa, and Nathan Fabularasa: all three have in fact missed the third night for a handful of votes, and would certainly deserved. Want to see me touch 'also produce their cd? They deserve it ... call me at Marengo and
Monday, June 9, 2008
Show Image Of Boxxi Game
the descent (The Descenting)
Title: descent (The Descenting)
"Did you buy yogurt?" The hoarse voice trembling and Mark made me jump while napping in my bed.
"Yes! I'm in the refrigerator, but you can not wake up in this way, what time is it? "I said, taking the pillow to cover my face.
"Bravo Itallie, you always get up very good and now, it's late"
Even this morning I felt the nervousness of my friend and when I realized that I was still at the edge of the bed, I began to feel a sense of unease.
Title: descent (The Descenting)
"Did you buy yogurt?" The hoarse voice trembling and Mark made me jump while napping in my bed.
"Yes! I'm in the refrigerator, but you can not wake up in this way, what time is it? "I said, taking the pillow to cover my face.
"Bravo Itallie, you always get up very good and now, it's late"
Even this morning I felt the nervousness of my friend and when I realized that I was still at the edge of the bed, I began to feel a sense of unease.
"I've heard, are in the fridge!" I said annoyed. Mark turned
the handle of his wheelchair and walked after some maneuvering in the kitchen.
passed a few minutes and inhuman scream rose.
I saw him enter with bullying in my room, pointing his right index finger against me.
"You bought no taste that I like!"
"You can not, I'm sure it took. The strawberry flavor, no? "
He always had his finger tight and his eyes were impenetrable.
Then he lowered his arm and began to suck his left thumb.
At that moment I felt a deep hatred for him. Recently
its ways of doing things had become unbearable. He was always
more arrogant and irascible.
not understand what goes on in the mind and when someone, I and I alone, try to have a dialogue, it is even more closed in on itself.
Mark was confined to a wheelchair for a rare feet. Quadro sad and depressing to a young Englishman. For four years no longer touched the ground except when falling groped for walking.
My mission was to buy yogurt - so I do not fattening and when cured, perfect shape - obsessively repeated every day.
"because you forgot my favorite flavor?"
"Mark, calm down, why do not you relax a bit ', or rather this evening there is a party, is nearby, you could come, no? "
" You Itallie no good, shit chair above me, I did not come to laugh at me people. "
" You should go out, you meet new people and ... "
" Shut up! Go buy strawberry yogurt now. "
And while Mark was trying to maneuver his wheelchair, trying to twist it off, turned around to look for my eyes and a grin on his mouth, said
" I have no more need you, I heal in a few days. "
I could not understand that meant and thinking it was increasingly tired and out of my head, I went in a hurry, at Chesco's as close to buy the strawberry yogurt, Filler brand, sugar free.
When I got home Mark was waiting for me in the kitchen with a spoon in hand.
He still had that grin.
"Monday is a healer."
"Healer! Man who heals my illness. "
" Who would this healer? "
" Mr. Smooth, have certified him to heal all the sick. "
" Seriously? You really believe in this crap! But who is this quack? "
" I have said that calling Mr. Smooth, and not a charlatan. "
" Are you mad? "
" You shut up! You do not understand, but I believe because my friend healed, He said that after suffering from cancer and him feel good because good healer. "
I could not believe my ears.
"Mark but are you sure? These people only steal money from people like you who have problems and they hope to solve them by any means, I can not think that you'll pay someone a ... well, you know you can not heal that way! "
Mark was silent, I could feel his breath grew deeper.
then said softly:
"I heal."
made me so scared and said, 'You're right. "
I put the yogurt in the fridge and went to the room.
I left Mark in the kitchen, still holding his spoon.
Later I heard the refrigerator open.
were Mark and his yogurt.
Monday (cloudy, no rain)
At 14.00 on Monday established, a man appeared at the door.
He had a turban on his head and a book under his arm.
wears glasses, model Ban Key. Perhaps
Pakistan. It was very high.
announced himself as Mr. Smooth.
accepted it, and after greetings of courtesy, Mark and the man in apartment living.
I should go out, friends were waiting for me at the pub, but I was curious and worried about my friend.
I went to the door and pressed my ear to listen.
The two spoke English and could not understand anything.
I do not give up.
I settled on a chair in the hallway and waited for the conversation to end. After half an hour Mr. Smooth
left the room and greeted me.
"See you tomorrow." He said with a dazzling smile. She made her way alone, when suddenly he turned to me with a look of defiance and said
"Good. See you soon. "
Then he turned and left the house.
Tuesday (cloudy, raining)
Mr. Smooth arrived at 9.00 but was not alone. It was in the company of a Mr. Smith, middle-aged man and a half tall, which just came to my hip. I understood that human rattle that was to be his assistant. It
flat lounge with Mark.
And I, again, eavesdropped.
But Mr. Smith opened the door with vehemence.
The little man looked at me puzzled and said,
"Your friend wants you!"
I gave way and I went inside.
"As a friend, Mr. Smooth describe his method for healing and you help me to stay here for close friend at all times. True? "
Mark was in the middle of the room.
"Mark what are you saying?" I said as I glanced at the corner of the two shady buddies.
Mr. Smooth and Mr. Smith were standing near the table of the saloon.
I do! There were real estate, looked like statues. The stench of fraud
felt a mile away.
"Mark sure what you do, how much is this madness, this method of healing?"
"Do not believe? You must believe I heal, it only costs 2000, 00 pounds "
" How much? Maybe you did not understand that they will not ... can not even heal you. "
" Get out fucking italian, do not you understand, get out! "Mark began to scream like a madman, with such force that he could pass out from fear moment. Mr. Smooth
tried to calm him, then motioned to his assistant, I walked away.
The middle-aged man and half-height pushed me out of the room, slamming the door and locked.
Startled and not knowing what to do, I went to my room and stayed there.
Four hours later I heard the door open the main entrance and two seconds after closing.
Wednesday (slightly cloudy with patches of sun)
Also that day, Mr. Smooth arrival at 9.00 and, like the previous day, ended with his assistant, and Mark, in the living room.
greeted with indifference and left home.
walked for a long time until you arrive in the neighborhood of Brixton.
grass bought from a friend of mine, Paul.
I returned late at night, going first to the supermarket. 35.00 Pounds
bought yogurt.
When I returned the door of the hall was still closed.
I went to the kitchen, I put the yogurt in the fridge and went to sleep.
I smoked all day and I was sick. Taken
sleep now.
Thursday (sunny, very cold)
That morning the doorbell rang at 10:30. Mark
I was sleeping and went to open it.
Mr. Smooth and Mr. Smith entered with a woman of clear South American origins.
was fat and of medium height and had lips very meaty, too fleshy to be true.
"Good morning" said Mr. Smooth.
did not answer.
"Is Mark in?"
left the man on the edge of the door and walked in the room Mark, I woke him up and helped him sit on the chair.
We all went into the living room.
Mr. Smooth and I looked at each other for a moment, his eyes froze me.
A look that I was not able to respond and looked down.
I began to fear for my friend.
Mark could not remain only with those individuals.
"Mark, I would stay with you today, please."
He looked at me puzzled.
"Ok come in, but no word promise you, you be silent."
"Ok! I promise. "
I sat in a corner and watched.
The woman had lit a candle, resting on the table.
Then he closed the blinds and the door.
The room was dimly lit.
Mr. Smith knelt at the foot of the chimney and began to pray mumbling indecipherable words. Mr. Smooth
sat down.
picked up the book he always carried with it and open it, relying on his legs.
He pulled from his right pocket and a pipe from his pocket opposite an envelope with powder inside. The
pour into the pipe.
not lit but made a strong throw, inhaling from the mouthpiece.
Meanwhile, Mr. Smith continued with prayer.
The woman started standing in front mannikin, and she too began to pray.
Their voices overlapped, creating a haunting melody.
Mr. Smooth, even with the pipe stuck between his teeth, the flowers scattered around Mark, forming a circle.
do not know where they had been pulled out.
My friend was in the middle of the room.
I smiled sweetly.
"Now you know the method of healing."
could feel his excitement.
But I was scared, although I did not understand why.
Meanwhile the woman and Mr. Smith raised the volume of their voices, making it more confusing. Even Mr. Smooth
joined them, creating a tangle of words to send to tilt my sense of direction.
I felt that the whole room was running.
I felt enveloped by dizziness.
I tried to resist.
closed my eyes for a few seconds and when I opened them, I saw that the three slowly revolved around Mark.
The increased pace of a circle ..
I seemed to be in the middle of a vortex.
My body was limp, unable to get reactions.
suddenly stopped.
At that point I tried to get close to observe them.
I was amazed. I
tappai your mouth, do not shout.
Their eyes were bloodshot.
regained consciousness in the evening.
The room was empty.
I stood stunned and went into the room without thinking of Mark.
I felt her breathing regular.
I did not sleep, I took a chair and posizionai at the foot of the bed. The
vegliai all night.
Thursday (sunny, very cold)
11:00 AM
The bell does not make up his mind to play and Mark enjoyed himself blessed in his bed, caught in a sleep that had lasted for hours.
I made a little noise.
My friend opened his eyes.
"This morning my friends do not come, because my body that need to rest before tomorrow, I walk tomorrow, tomorrow I heal."
"Mark are you sure? I can not believe that those three people can succeed where so many doctors have failed. "
" I heal tomorrow, tomorrow miracle, sure ... God help tomorrow, sure. "
He repeated that phrase I do not know how many times.
I made a great tenderness.
"Sure. I'm sure healing, tomorrow will be a great day, tomorrow there will be a miracle. "
" Bravo Itallie, you go to sleep, I pray now. "
And that night, for the first time in my life, before falling asleep, I I asked.
Friday (cloudy, lots of humidity)
9.30. Morning.
The doorbell rang. They were the harbingers of hope. They looked happy and that exhilaration, for some strange reason, I am infected. But when I tried to enter the room with them, the woman clear of South American origins, I stopped.
"I am so sorry, you gotta wait here."
She tried to explain that only selected people could be present a miracle. Presence would disturb the other failed.
So I had to wait outside.
And I waited.
waited for about 4 hours.
Much of that time I was nervous and prayed.
During prayers one thousand were the thoughts that occupied my mind.
But at some point something happened.
Mark cried.
A raucous, at the limit of human breath.
"Fucking Italian as in, like .... please .. please !!!!".
I entered almost breaking the door.
Mr. Smooth, Mr. Smith and the woman were lost in a strange dance.
Mark ran around with his wheelchair across the room like crazy, and cried and cried and then laughed. He came up and now exhausted voice said to me: "Look ... finger fucking italian! Watch the first finger, looks right foot! "
I felt scared and surrounded by an unreal situation.
"Look ... look finger finger, I moved on my own ... move, move!"
I looked at that finger.
I looked at him intently and carefully.
Then I looked up and stared at my friend.
Her face seemed to upset a caricature.
"Yes, that's right Mark, I see. Your finger is moving. "
" Mr. Smooth said that tomorrow I get up and I move my feet, not just run but small steps. "
Mark talked so rough.
was delirious.
Everyone in that room were delirious.
All except me.
silently slipped away and let them celebrate.
I went to my room and took a camera given to me by an old cousin of Pescara.
I would have sold shortly after Paul, the same friend of Brixton.
bought it for 50.00 Pounds.
Then I waited for the night and went to a Seven Elven, and with that money bought a lot of yogurt. When I returned home, Mark was asleep.
I put the yogurt in the fridge, and went out.
I took a taxi and headed to Heathrow airport.
"Excuse me ..."
someone beats me on the shoulder. For a moment it seemed to me Mark, but I soon realized being on board an aircraft.
That someone was my friend but a man from a Sicilian accent.
"Who is it? ... What happens? .. We there yet?" I reply.
"Almost. Excuse me, I did not want to bother you, but I began to worry. I think she was doing a terrible nightmare. "
" How? "
" In the nightmare, she has always repeated the same words, then stirred, then repeated them ... so I mean ... what does not move? "
"I would not insist, but she murmured continuatamene that .. a ... a ... something did not move."
I look at the ladies.
I do not speak.
Then tell him in a trance.
"The finger ... a finger does not move!" The Lord
frowned his forehead.
"The finger? What finger? "
" Yes, the finger foot .. .. Mark's finger! Finger that I've never seen move. "
The human eye and tender, with a warm voice and his father whispers to me:
" Sure. The finger. Well, now it is better that you go back to sleep, air travel is still very tiring "
I know not, my face.
I look out the window.
I do not want to rest.
only a few seconds and the captain announces the landing at the airport in Rome. England is
a distant land.
the handle of his wheelchair and walked after some maneuvering in the kitchen.
passed a few minutes and inhuman scream rose.
I saw him enter with bullying in my room, pointing his right index finger against me.
"You bought no taste that I like!"
"You can not, I'm sure it took. The strawberry flavor, no? "
He always had his finger tight and his eyes were impenetrable.
Then he lowered his arm and began to suck his left thumb.
At that moment I felt a deep hatred for him. Recently
its ways of doing things had become unbearable. He was always
more arrogant and irascible.
not understand what goes on in the mind and when someone, I and I alone, try to have a dialogue, it is even more closed in on itself.
Mark was confined to a wheelchair for a rare feet. Quadro sad and depressing to a young Englishman. For four years no longer touched the ground except when falling groped for walking.
My mission was to buy yogurt - so I do not fattening and when cured, perfect shape - obsessively repeated every day.
"because you forgot my favorite flavor?"
"Mark, calm down, why do not you relax a bit ', or rather this evening there is a party, is nearby, you could come, no? "
" You Itallie no good, shit chair above me, I did not come to laugh at me people. "
" You should go out, you meet new people and ... "
" Shut up! Go buy strawberry yogurt now. "
And while Mark was trying to maneuver his wheelchair, trying to twist it off, turned around to look for my eyes and a grin on his mouth, said
" I have no more need you, I heal in a few days. "
I could not understand that meant and thinking it was increasingly tired and out of my head, I went in a hurry, at Chesco's as close to buy the strawberry yogurt, Filler brand, sugar free.
When I got home Mark was waiting for me in the kitchen with a spoon in hand.
He still had that grin.
"Monday is a healer."
"Healer! Man who heals my illness. "
" Who would this healer? "
" Mr. Smooth, have certified him to heal all the sick. "
" Seriously? You really believe in this crap! But who is this quack? "
" I have said that calling Mr. Smooth, and not a charlatan. "
" Are you mad? "
" You shut up! You do not understand, but I believe because my friend healed, He said that after suffering from cancer and him feel good because good healer. "
I could not believe my ears.
"Mark but are you sure? These people only steal money from people like you who have problems and they hope to solve them by any means, I can not think that you'll pay someone a ... well, you know you can not heal that way! "
Mark was silent, I could feel his breath grew deeper.
then said softly:
"I heal."
made me so scared and said, 'You're right. "
I put the yogurt in the fridge and went to the room.
I left Mark in the kitchen, still holding his spoon.
Later I heard the refrigerator open.
were Mark and his yogurt.
Monday (cloudy, no rain)
At 14.00 on Monday established, a man appeared at the door.
He had a turban on his head and a book under his arm.
wears glasses, model Ban Key. Perhaps
Pakistan. It was very high.
announced himself as Mr. Smooth.
accepted it, and after greetings of courtesy, Mark and the man in apartment living.
I should go out, friends were waiting for me at the pub, but I was curious and worried about my friend.
I went to the door and pressed my ear to listen.
The two spoke English and could not understand anything.
I do not give up.
I settled on a chair in the hallway and waited for the conversation to end. After half an hour Mr. Smooth
left the room and greeted me.
"See you tomorrow." He said with a dazzling smile. She made her way alone, when suddenly he turned to me with a look of defiance and said
"Good. See you soon. "
Then he turned and left the house.
Tuesday (cloudy, raining)
Mr. Smooth arrived at 9.00 but was not alone. It was in the company of a Mr. Smith, middle-aged man and a half tall, which just came to my hip. I understood that human rattle that was to be his assistant. It
flat lounge with Mark.
And I, again, eavesdropped.
But Mr. Smith opened the door with vehemence.
The little man looked at me puzzled and said,
"Your friend wants you!"
I gave way and I went inside.
"As a friend, Mr. Smooth describe his method for healing and you help me to stay here for close friend at all times. True? "
Mark was in the middle of the room.
"Mark what are you saying?" I said as I glanced at the corner of the two shady buddies.
Mr. Smooth and Mr. Smith were standing near the table of the saloon.
I do! There were real estate, looked like statues. The stench of fraud
felt a mile away.
"Mark sure what you do, how much is this madness, this method of healing?"
"Do not believe? You must believe I heal, it only costs 2000, 00 pounds "
" How much? Maybe you did not understand that they will not ... can not even heal you. "
" Get out fucking italian, do not you understand, get out! "Mark began to scream like a madman, with such force that he could pass out from fear moment. Mr. Smooth
tried to calm him, then motioned to his assistant, I walked away.
The middle-aged man and half-height pushed me out of the room, slamming the door and locked.
Startled and not knowing what to do, I went to my room and stayed there.
Four hours later I heard the door open the main entrance and two seconds after closing.
Wednesday (slightly cloudy with patches of sun)
Also that day, Mr. Smooth arrival at 9.00 and, like the previous day, ended with his assistant, and Mark, in the living room.
greeted with indifference and left home.
walked for a long time until you arrive in the neighborhood of Brixton.
grass bought from a friend of mine, Paul.
I returned late at night, going first to the supermarket. 35.00 Pounds
bought yogurt.
When I returned the door of the hall was still closed.
I went to the kitchen, I put the yogurt in the fridge and went to sleep.
I smoked all day and I was sick. Taken
sleep now.
Thursday (sunny, very cold)
That morning the doorbell rang at 10:30. Mark
I was sleeping and went to open it.
Mr. Smooth and Mr. Smith entered with a woman of clear South American origins.
was fat and of medium height and had lips very meaty, too fleshy to be true.
"Good morning" said Mr. Smooth.
did not answer.
"Is Mark in?"
left the man on the edge of the door and walked in the room Mark, I woke him up and helped him sit on the chair.
We all went into the living room.
Mr. Smooth and I looked at each other for a moment, his eyes froze me.
A look that I was not able to respond and looked down.
I began to fear for my friend.
Mark could not remain only with those individuals.
"Mark, I would stay with you today, please."
He looked at me puzzled.
"Ok come in, but no word promise you, you be silent."
"Ok! I promise. "
I sat in a corner and watched.
The woman had lit a candle, resting on the table.
Then he closed the blinds and the door.
The room was dimly lit.
Mr. Smith knelt at the foot of the chimney and began to pray mumbling indecipherable words. Mr. Smooth
sat down.
picked up the book he always carried with it and open it, relying on his legs.
He pulled from his right pocket and a pipe from his pocket opposite an envelope with powder inside. The
pour into the pipe.
not lit but made a strong throw, inhaling from the mouthpiece.
Meanwhile, Mr. Smith continued with prayer.
The woman started standing in front mannikin, and she too began to pray.
Their voices overlapped, creating a haunting melody.
Mr. Smooth, even with the pipe stuck between his teeth, the flowers scattered around Mark, forming a circle.
do not know where they had been pulled out.
My friend was in the middle of the room.
I smiled sweetly.
"Now you know the method of healing."
could feel his excitement.
But I was scared, although I did not understand why.
Meanwhile the woman and Mr. Smith raised the volume of their voices, making it more confusing. Even Mr. Smooth
joined them, creating a tangle of words to send to tilt my sense of direction.
I felt that the whole room was running.
I felt enveloped by dizziness.
I tried to resist.
closed my eyes for a few seconds and when I opened them, I saw that the three slowly revolved around Mark.
The increased pace of a circle ..
I seemed to be in the middle of a vortex.
My body was limp, unable to get reactions.
suddenly stopped.
At that point I tried to get close to observe them.
I was amazed. I
tappai your mouth, do not shout.
Their eyes were bloodshot.
regained consciousness in the evening.
The room was empty.
I stood stunned and went into the room without thinking of Mark.
I felt her breathing regular.
I did not sleep, I took a chair and posizionai at the foot of the bed. The
vegliai all night.
Thursday (sunny, very cold)
11:00 AM
The bell does not make up his mind to play and Mark enjoyed himself blessed in his bed, caught in a sleep that had lasted for hours.
I made a little noise.
My friend opened his eyes.
"This morning my friends do not come, because my body that need to rest before tomorrow, I walk tomorrow, tomorrow I heal."
"Mark are you sure? I can not believe that those three people can succeed where so many doctors have failed. "
" I heal tomorrow, tomorrow miracle, sure ... God help tomorrow, sure. "
He repeated that phrase I do not know how many times.
I made a great tenderness.
"Sure. I'm sure healing, tomorrow will be a great day, tomorrow there will be a miracle. "
" Bravo Itallie, you go to sleep, I pray now. "
And that night, for the first time in my life, before falling asleep, I I asked.
Friday (cloudy, lots of humidity)
9.30. Morning.
The doorbell rang. They were the harbingers of hope. They looked happy and that exhilaration, for some strange reason, I am infected. But when I tried to enter the room with them, the woman clear of South American origins, I stopped.
"I am so sorry, you gotta wait here."
She tried to explain that only selected people could be present a miracle. Presence would disturb the other failed.
So I had to wait outside.
And I waited.
waited for about 4 hours.
Much of that time I was nervous and prayed.
During prayers one thousand were the thoughts that occupied my mind.
But at some point something happened.
Mark cried.
A raucous, at the limit of human breath.
"Fucking Italian as in, like .... please .. please !!!!".
I entered almost breaking the door.
Mr. Smooth, Mr. Smith and the woman were lost in a strange dance.
Mark ran around with his wheelchair across the room like crazy, and cried and cried and then laughed. He came up and now exhausted voice said to me: "Look ... finger fucking italian! Watch the first finger, looks right foot! "
I felt scared and surrounded by an unreal situation.
"Look ... look finger finger, I moved on my own ... move, move!"
I looked at that finger.
I looked at him intently and carefully.
Then I looked up and stared at my friend.
Her face seemed to upset a caricature.
"Yes, that's right Mark, I see. Your finger is moving. "
" Mr. Smooth said that tomorrow I get up and I move my feet, not just run but small steps. "
Mark talked so rough.
was delirious.
Everyone in that room were delirious.
All except me.
silently slipped away and let them celebrate.
I went to my room and took a camera given to me by an old cousin of Pescara.
I would have sold shortly after Paul, the same friend of Brixton.
bought it for 50.00 Pounds.
Then I waited for the night and went to a Seven Elven, and with that money bought a lot of yogurt. When I returned home, Mark was asleep.
I put the yogurt in the fridge, and went out.
I took a taxi and headed to Heathrow airport.
"Excuse me ..."
someone beats me on the shoulder. For a moment it seemed to me Mark, but I soon realized being on board an aircraft.
That someone was my friend but a man from a Sicilian accent.
"Who is it? ... What happens? .. We there yet?" I reply.
"Almost. Excuse me, I did not want to bother you, but I began to worry. I think she was doing a terrible nightmare. "
" How? "
" In the nightmare, she has always repeated the same words, then stirred, then repeated them ... so I mean ... what does not move? "
"I would not insist, but she murmured continuatamene that .. a ... a ... something did not move."
I look at the ladies.
I do not speak.
Then tell him in a trance.
"The finger ... a finger does not move!" The Lord
frowned his forehead.
"The finger? What finger? "
" Yes, the finger foot .. .. Mark's finger! Finger that I've never seen move. "
The human eye and tender, with a warm voice and his father whispers to me:
" Sure. The finger. Well, now it is better that you go back to sleep, air travel is still very tiring "
I know not, my face.
I look out the window.
I do not want to rest.
only a few seconds and the captain announces the landing at the airport in Rome. England is
a distant land.
Watch Pinky Adult Film Star
topsy turvy
Title: topsy turvy
He looks in the mirror. I look in the mirror. She washes her face. I wash my face.
Lights cigarette. I light my cigarette. Go to your room. I go in the room. She rubs her eyes. I rub my eyes. He looks at his belly. I look in the belly. He spits on the ground. I spit on the ground. Now remember. Now I remember.
Title: topsy turvy
He looks in the mirror. I look in the mirror. She washes her face. I wash my face.
Lights cigarette. I light my cigarette. Go to your room. I go in the room. She rubs her eyes. I rub my eyes. He looks at his belly. I look in the belly. He spits on the ground. I spit on the ground. Now remember. Now I remember.
My party, my eighteen years I have celebrated an evening with close friends and people I never saw him again.
In those days I was filled with the lust of greedy leadership. I wandered among the supermarkets buying up targati heavy alcohol, anxiety and waiting to enjoy my glory. In my head it was all very clear: I would have been flooded with gifts, greetings envious, lustful glances from all the mares in heat. In the delirium of the vain imagination of my mind, the vortex of the guests shouted loudly: "Glory to you the great Luke."
I had it all planned: what to wear, what to drink, as drunk, vomiting and even when I would have taken the girl to bed.
course, like all programs that are respected, something went wrong and the morning of my "day" I made a terrible discovery. Lost in the maze of my ego, I did not notice that the shirt, my fantastic shirt, the shirt I should wear during the evening, was hopelessly stained with a sleeve.
wildfire was the diagnosis. I remember it still, in all its forms.
I was lost, but there was no time to lose.
Crimson Tide.
The evil dormant in me woke up and began to grin, like a mother-in-law to assist the separation of the child, the daughter hated.
I enjoyed.
Poor wildfire, had counted the hours.
The laundry was located along a busy office where people and people of every kind, crowded bars and restaurants.
15.30. Closed. I waited for the opening. The owner came
After a few minutes.
She opened and I entered.
The strong smell of the mixture used to resuscitate their clothes, I am overwhelmed. For a moment he turned his head, but only for a moment, then looked around.
bluish walls evoke the feeling of clean. The bar took up three quarters of the room. The remaining quarter, to the left of the entrance door, space was the "macchinarulloappendiabiti", while a curtain of cloth covering the back.
asked her if possible, within a few hours, wash my face with a shirt and important to be stupid, I turned to the woman.
"You know, I celebrate my 18 years and I would wear it."
The woman stared at the spot and said:
"It is not possible."
"What?" I replied in a voice almost desperate, hiding a tinge of anger.
The woman smiled, looked down and stretched out his hands to the bar and close to the cash register who was on his left. It seemed he was trying something and then whispered to himself: "Find."
From a small red box, pulled out a pack of cigarettes. In
hasty and nervous I went to a mouth. He followed the search for a lighter, and after finding it, lit his cigarette.
He stared at me with a mocking smile, said:
"I'm sorry my little Lord, but I can not have too much work for today, next week. "
I tried to convince her but she remained firm on its decision.
I could not believe it. I am the great Luca, expected and fought for, desire, almost an adult, the boy must not ask why, if the parents do not pay weekly, was at 15:45 on a Friday afternoon in a laundry room, shocked and gripped by doubt exhausting: "And now ... wear what?"
While a large part of my brain for the answer of the woman muttered, giving her terrible adjectives, I felt a strange impulse to invade my nerves.
began to feel nauseated.
legs trembled, and a strange heat from the center of the stomach. The breathing became difficult.
My eyes, as guided by a spirit damned, they were forced to set the woman. The
I analyzed.
was no longer a teenager: 40 years or so.
An old, I thought.
His face was marked, wrinkles around the eyes, around the mouth and neck.
She was tall, with a few extra pounds. The breasts were bursting and slacks, not women, we could see the shapely thighs.
Short hair, dyed red, contrasted with his olive skin and eyes and deep blacks, completed a human figure, certainly not exciting.
poor vision of being a woman. I was distressed by
her presence.
I wanted to leave that place.
resumed knitting, and I went without saying goodbye to another oasis of clean.
I turned the corner, but suddenly I began to feel weak.
I trembled and my stomach sank.
and vomited, vomited, vomited. Disoriented by the unexpected illness
I got up, I went under and went to Mario's house, my best friend.
I asked to borrow a shirt.
Once at home all prepared to toil for the festivities.
Everything went according to my plans.
The following Sunday, the very day of my birthday, I woke up very late, sweaty and excited.
I spent the day partying, suffering the unbridled pampering of my entire family.
the evening, destroyed and bored, I went to bed very early.
And that night the evil cousin of dreams regurgitation on me.
That night I had a nightmare.
I was in a room lit by a ray of light. I was in front of a mirror. Nude. Did not feel neither cold nor hot. L 'exalted reflection of my dark complexion. My green eyes shone with a strange light. The color of my hair was not brown, but blonde. I began to get dressed. At first, a white shirt with gold buttons and follow a red double-breasted jacket, trousers of the same color and a top hat. Finally, the long white shoes that far outweighs the size of my foot. From a distance
strange noises. Suddenly I found myself in a large open area, surrounded by desert.
I was on a stage.
a curtain closed behind me. Mechanically I turned to a huge crowd and began to cry as only knows how to do the greatest preacher of all time.
"Come, come ladies and gentlemen, this is the luckiest day of your life. You are about to witness a phenomenon of nature, something that your memory can not remember seeing that he would never forget it. The most emotional distance themselves, they can not stand the sight of this monstrosity. Some of you sverranno, while others flee, wondering how nature can create such species on earth. Still others fail to seek help, because remain petrified and speechless. So Ladies and Gentlemen, are you ready? "
A thunderous roar rose up and they all answered:" Yes! "
My voice swelled and intoxicated as I shouted loudly:" Here is your wish come true. I recommend everyone not to soften, a being can not even have a heart and feelings. "
I approached the curtain with solemn step. I felt a real encounter with a nobleman. I grabbed the rope that would open the curtain and shook hard. I was sweating, my body was getting warmer. I was afraid and delayed the opening.
But the crowd shouted impatiently.
Voices deafening ordered to start the show.
And I opened it and saw it.
I stood still, surprised, puzzled and confused.
front of me was the phenomenon, the horror, the failure of nature, the wrong mistakes.
squeezed his eyes, rubbed them and saw the woman in the laundry!
barely moved in the middle of the stage.
He looked at me.
His body distorted by time and disgusted at the same time had the view of the eager audience, which burst into laughter merciless.
She turned toward me. His eyes
blacks were barred, there was the terror within.
seems to ask: "Now what will happen to me? I did not do anything because they laugh at me? Why did you let this happen? Help me, please. "
within me unleashed a storm of emotions, a battle of nerves against the nerves which found vent in a single, thin, white salty tears.
A man shouted mercilessly: "You're a monster!"
Then he pulled a banana peel and all followed his gesture, throwing every kind of object.
And I ran.
ran toward the woman.
courses without thinking, to be his shield. But the scream of terror
startled her.
A man had a knife in his hand and was ready to throw it.
I cried.
Then I woke up.
I was saved.
Tired, indeed destroyed, kept my eyes open for a few minutes and I fell asleep again.
hoped to return to my nightmare, the idea of \u200b\u200bleaving her tormented me.
But my wish did not come true.
The next morning I instinctively prepared to go to school.
On the way I thought a lot last night.
I doubt gripped me and made me very nervous. "What is happening to me? Because I wanted to see that woman? "I thought.
I had to understand. I changed
road and headed for the laundry.
8.30. I waited for the opening, and she came.
His face was very tired, he must have been a nice weekend.
I sat in the bar, across the street, and watched.
I stayed there all morning.
I did the same the next morning.
On Wednesday I was even in advance.
So all week.
few days later I began to watch her in the afternoon, to avoid suspicion at school.
For a month, every day, I went on that long road traffic to spy on a woman.
did not know the name, I knew nothing about her.
I just needed to see her.
One day I did not go, I got sick.
That day I missed.
The cigarette is extinguished.
does not want to remember. I do not want to remember.
Elsa, Elsa.
Months later I was in the usual bar.
few hours earlier I had bought two packs of cigarettes.
posizionai them on the table in the bar.
I had observed.
He smoked a lot.
I had read in some book that women are sensitive to the gifts.
"Do you smoke cigarettes and I gave her" I thought.
And waited for the right moment to donargliele.
But it seemed the right time never comes.
I knew, how could it be a boy of 18 years, I was in love with a woman older than me.
I discovered that Elsa, that was his name, had 38.
Elsa was ugly. Yet every night before falling asleep, the My last thought was for her.
for an ugly woman and older than me.
To a beautiful woman and mature.
The ambushes followed by the day. Meanwhile
maintained to cigarettes at home.
But one afternoon and decided as a soldier prepared myself for the big event. It was time to come out, to give my life to Elsa.
I washed, I shaved, got dressed.
I took the backpack and threw it into two packets of cigarettes.
I tried to imagine her face when, with that gift, I told all my feelings.
would cry, then I would embrace, I was sure.
I went home and went with a firm step towards the scooter to travel in a hurry, the usual long way traffic.
once parked and got out, I took the cigarette from the pack.
a deep breath, uncertain step, another breath.
Ready, aim, fire!
courses, and then ran again.
The main door of the laundry was done near, more and more close. But
A raucous "Fermatiiii"
A cat comes out with a big jump from the front door of the laundry.
One click, a few seconds, the street.
A car coming fast.
The cat looks at the camera.
The machine looks at the cat.
The cat dies. My
she comes out the back door, goes to the cat, kneels, despairs, weeps.
I stopped, petrified, with two packs of cigarettes in hand.
Cigarettes slip from my hands, she keeps crying, sobbing inconsolably.
my heart.
my mind.
Five hours later Italy would win the world cup in Spain, six later an old man, unidentified, would come to an unknown shore of a beach and would accompany his violin with the mood of the sea. Seven
later, while Elsa cried in bed because left alone without her cat, I would have returned, after months, the shirt with Mario.
lights another cigarette. I light another cigarette.
Time passes and another cat is dead.
In those days I was filled with the lust of greedy leadership. I wandered among the supermarkets buying up targati heavy alcohol, anxiety and waiting to enjoy my glory. In my head it was all very clear: I would have been flooded with gifts, greetings envious, lustful glances from all the mares in heat. In the delirium of the vain imagination of my mind, the vortex of the guests shouted loudly: "Glory to you the great Luke."
I had it all planned: what to wear, what to drink, as drunk, vomiting and even when I would have taken the girl to bed.
course, like all programs that are respected, something went wrong and the morning of my "day" I made a terrible discovery. Lost in the maze of my ego, I did not notice that the shirt, my fantastic shirt, the shirt I should wear during the evening, was hopelessly stained with a sleeve.
wildfire was the diagnosis. I remember it still, in all its forms.
I was lost, but there was no time to lose.
Crimson Tide.
The evil dormant in me woke up and began to grin, like a mother-in-law to assist the separation of the child, the daughter hated.
I enjoyed.
Poor wildfire, had counted the hours.
The laundry was located along a busy office where people and people of every kind, crowded bars and restaurants.
15.30. Closed. I waited for the opening. The owner came
After a few minutes.
She opened and I entered.
The strong smell of the mixture used to resuscitate their clothes, I am overwhelmed. For a moment he turned his head, but only for a moment, then looked around.
bluish walls evoke the feeling of clean. The bar took up three quarters of the room. The remaining quarter, to the left of the entrance door, space was the "macchinarulloappendiabiti", while a curtain of cloth covering the back.
asked her if possible, within a few hours, wash my face with a shirt and important to be stupid, I turned to the woman.
"You know, I celebrate my 18 years and I would wear it."
The woman stared at the spot and said:
"It is not possible."
"What?" I replied in a voice almost desperate, hiding a tinge of anger.
The woman smiled, looked down and stretched out his hands to the bar and close to the cash register who was on his left. It seemed he was trying something and then whispered to himself: "Find."
From a small red box, pulled out a pack of cigarettes. In
hasty and nervous I went to a mouth. He followed the search for a lighter, and after finding it, lit his cigarette.
He stared at me with a mocking smile, said:
"I'm sorry my little Lord, but I can not have too much work for today, next week. "
I tried to convince her but she remained firm on its decision.
I could not believe it. I am the great Luca, expected and fought for, desire, almost an adult, the boy must not ask why, if the parents do not pay weekly, was at 15:45 on a Friday afternoon in a laundry room, shocked and gripped by doubt exhausting: "And now ... wear what?"
While a large part of my brain for the answer of the woman muttered, giving her terrible adjectives, I felt a strange impulse to invade my nerves.
began to feel nauseated.
legs trembled, and a strange heat from the center of the stomach. The breathing became difficult.
My eyes, as guided by a spirit damned, they were forced to set the woman. The
I analyzed.
was no longer a teenager: 40 years or so.
An old, I thought.
His face was marked, wrinkles around the eyes, around the mouth and neck.
She was tall, with a few extra pounds. The breasts were bursting and slacks, not women, we could see the shapely thighs.
Short hair, dyed red, contrasted with his olive skin and eyes and deep blacks, completed a human figure, certainly not exciting.
poor vision of being a woman. I was distressed by
her presence.
I wanted to leave that place.
resumed knitting, and I went without saying goodbye to another oasis of clean.
I turned the corner, but suddenly I began to feel weak.
I trembled and my stomach sank.
and vomited, vomited, vomited. Disoriented by the unexpected illness
I got up, I went under and went to Mario's house, my best friend.
I asked to borrow a shirt.
Once at home all prepared to toil for the festivities.
Everything went according to my plans.
The following Sunday, the very day of my birthday, I woke up very late, sweaty and excited.
I spent the day partying, suffering the unbridled pampering of my entire family.
the evening, destroyed and bored, I went to bed very early.
And that night the evil cousin of dreams regurgitation on me.
That night I had a nightmare.
I was in a room lit by a ray of light. I was in front of a mirror. Nude. Did not feel neither cold nor hot. L 'exalted reflection of my dark complexion. My green eyes shone with a strange light. The color of my hair was not brown, but blonde. I began to get dressed. At first, a white shirt with gold buttons and follow a red double-breasted jacket, trousers of the same color and a top hat. Finally, the long white shoes that far outweighs the size of my foot. From a distance
strange noises. Suddenly I found myself in a large open area, surrounded by desert.
I was on a stage.
a curtain closed behind me. Mechanically I turned to a huge crowd and began to cry as only knows how to do the greatest preacher of all time.
"Come, come ladies and gentlemen, this is the luckiest day of your life. You are about to witness a phenomenon of nature, something that your memory can not remember seeing that he would never forget it. The most emotional distance themselves, they can not stand the sight of this monstrosity. Some of you sverranno, while others flee, wondering how nature can create such species on earth. Still others fail to seek help, because remain petrified and speechless. So Ladies and Gentlemen, are you ready? "
A thunderous roar rose up and they all answered:" Yes! "
My voice swelled and intoxicated as I shouted loudly:" Here is your wish come true. I recommend everyone not to soften, a being can not even have a heart and feelings. "
I approached the curtain with solemn step. I felt a real encounter with a nobleman. I grabbed the rope that would open the curtain and shook hard. I was sweating, my body was getting warmer. I was afraid and delayed the opening.
But the crowd shouted impatiently.
Voices deafening ordered to start the show.
And I opened it and saw it.
I stood still, surprised, puzzled and confused.
front of me was the phenomenon, the horror, the failure of nature, the wrong mistakes.
squeezed his eyes, rubbed them and saw the woman in the laundry!
barely moved in the middle of the stage.
He looked at me.
His body distorted by time and disgusted at the same time had the view of the eager audience, which burst into laughter merciless.
She turned toward me. His eyes
blacks were barred, there was the terror within.
seems to ask: "Now what will happen to me? I did not do anything because they laugh at me? Why did you let this happen? Help me, please. "
within me unleashed a storm of emotions, a battle of nerves against the nerves which found vent in a single, thin, white salty tears.
A man shouted mercilessly: "You're a monster!"
Then he pulled a banana peel and all followed his gesture, throwing every kind of object.
And I ran.
ran toward the woman.
courses without thinking, to be his shield. But the scream of terror
startled her.
A man had a knife in his hand and was ready to throw it.
I cried.
Then I woke up.
I was saved.
Tired, indeed destroyed, kept my eyes open for a few minutes and I fell asleep again.
hoped to return to my nightmare, the idea of \u200b\u200bleaving her tormented me.
But my wish did not come true.
The next morning I instinctively prepared to go to school.
On the way I thought a lot last night.
I doubt gripped me and made me very nervous. "What is happening to me? Because I wanted to see that woman? "I thought.
I had to understand. I changed
road and headed for the laundry.
8.30. I waited for the opening, and she came.
His face was very tired, he must have been a nice weekend.
I sat in the bar, across the street, and watched.
I stayed there all morning.
I did the same the next morning.
On Wednesday I was even in advance.
So all week.
few days later I began to watch her in the afternoon, to avoid suspicion at school.
For a month, every day, I went on that long road traffic to spy on a woman.
did not know the name, I knew nothing about her.
I just needed to see her.
One day I did not go, I got sick.
That day I missed.
The cigarette is extinguished.
does not want to remember. I do not want to remember.
Elsa, Elsa.
Months later I was in the usual bar.
few hours earlier I had bought two packs of cigarettes.
posizionai them on the table in the bar.
I had observed.
He smoked a lot.
I had read in some book that women are sensitive to the gifts.
"Do you smoke cigarettes and I gave her" I thought.
And waited for the right moment to donargliele.
But it seemed the right time never comes.
I knew, how could it be a boy of 18 years, I was in love with a woman older than me.
I discovered that Elsa, that was his name, had 38.
Elsa was ugly. Yet every night before falling asleep, the My last thought was for her.
for an ugly woman and older than me.
To a beautiful woman and mature.
The ambushes followed by the day. Meanwhile
maintained to cigarettes at home.
But one afternoon and decided as a soldier prepared myself for the big event. It was time to come out, to give my life to Elsa.
I washed, I shaved, got dressed.
I took the backpack and threw it into two packets of cigarettes.
I tried to imagine her face when, with that gift, I told all my feelings.
would cry, then I would embrace, I was sure.
I went home and went with a firm step towards the scooter to travel in a hurry, the usual long way traffic.
once parked and got out, I took the cigarette from the pack.
a deep breath, uncertain step, another breath.
Ready, aim, fire!
courses, and then ran again.
The main door of the laundry was done near, more and more close. But
A raucous "Fermatiiii"
A cat comes out with a big jump from the front door of the laundry.
One click, a few seconds, the street.
A car coming fast.
The cat looks at the camera.
The machine looks at the cat.
The cat dies. My
she comes out the back door, goes to the cat, kneels, despairs, weeps.
I stopped, petrified, with two packs of cigarettes in hand.
Cigarettes slip from my hands, she keeps crying, sobbing inconsolably.
my heart.
my mind.
Five hours later Italy would win the world cup in Spain, six later an old man, unidentified, would come to an unknown shore of a beach and would accompany his violin with the mood of the sea. Seven
later, while Elsa cried in bed because left alone without her cat, I would have returned, after months, the shirt with Mario.
lights another cigarette. I light another cigarette.
Time passes and another cat is dead.
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