From September 10 to 12 and the lush valley of the Sele 'was the environment they have experienced the passions of the local youth and good vibrations emitted by the duo and Pergolani Marengo. For more 'distracted remember that the South and Gold Award Sele' now in its XXIV edition, based on a review of theater and performance, enhanced by lectures and panel discussions. Of these, certainly indicated that with Mimmo Liguoro of TG3, all dedicated to the value of the journalist moderno.Nato in 1985 from an idea by Carmine Pignata and 'bet,' cause the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe initiative is to promote talents of the South against Italy a logic assistential. As if to say: we leave the future of the South in the hands of Southern unconditionally to the alleged extraordinary interventions in the South, as unfortunately too many years of bad government we have become accustomed. On this lush humus a young plant is growing and strong: and 'collaboration with the public service provided by Demos, the radio program designed and conducted by Michael Pergolani and Renato Marengo. As you know every night from 23:23 on the frequencies of Radio 1, the two acchiappatalenti are the best of what 's come to the office. The match between the Sele and Demo Golden has created a first important result and it was these three days of the Prize Demo of authority as you can 'guess from the title, and Marengo led Pergolani Oliveto Citra to the best of these young artists went from their program, chosen from among those who make pop music and theater songs. Signed to the task of coordinating the jury which included record (Giulio Tedeschi Toast of Turin), conducting radio and authors (Gianmaurizio Foderaro Radio1), internationally famous singers (I mean Patrick Del Vasco, known for Valsa de Euridice, where worked with Toquino), promoter (Gino Aveta all), but also the SIAE (represented by Philip Gasparro, head of events) and IMAIE (from the Central Secretariat and 'Stephen Torossi). To these have been joined by employees of RAI Demo in people Matteo Ghidoni, Cristiana Affaitati and Valentina Galli: logical to have them in the jury, 'cause those who are with Marengo and Pergolani have a daily relationship with the individual musicians, which therefore' know the life, death, miracles, ambitions and passions ..... Let's see in detail singles nights (the artists are presented in order of appearance on stage) .... Wednesday '10 September. In race NoBraino (Riccione), Kiara White (Benevento), Zed (Salerno), Awa (Rome / Paris) and the Company dell'Encelado Proud (Syracuse). Avion Travel.Giovedi guests' hunger for race 11 Settembre.In Camilla (Bari), Tavernicoli (Vicenza), Fabularasa (Bari), Nathalie (Rome) and Alessandro Mancuso (Palermo). Guest Teresa De SioVenerdi '12 Settembre.In race NoBraino (Riccione), Tavernicoli (Vicenza), the hunger for Camilla (Bari) and Zed (Salerno). Guest Sleeping
The victory went to NoBraino that hit, as well as for the lyrics and music, including the spectacular exhibition. The group of Riccione has won the prestigious award in front of an enthusiastic audience of over 3000 people. The jury and 'was accompanied by the popular one: as I have seen (and to tell on stage) is the technique that populate each evening have been found in the reviews agree complessivi.Cio' I said pointing out some peculiarities' of each single evening, so 'that you had a transitory memory, then putting it in the book memories that sooner or later I will write'...... as well as the spirit with which the Author and Demo of 'developed (more' repeatedly from the stage is by Renato Marengo Michael Pergolani, perfectly integrated with each other, without any plot or rehearsal ... so were going to arm !), among the musicians I've seen a lot of collaboration / complicity 'and almost never rivalry' or envious: I am a witness of small gestures that make the magic in life backstage ... photo of a performance made by the group which then would perform ... cd to more exchanges of 'I can not ... number of cells passed from one band to another ... appointments for the following days ... suggestions from musicians about what kind of arrangement do .... nice! Really nice, a crystal-clear air to breathe like this, but the guilt 'of Marengo and Pergolani,' cause they are so accustomed to 'the musicians who went from demo and believe in the philosophy of this trasmissione.Un thanks from my guests: I have the pleasure to meet again after decades Avion Travel, I made four good laugh with Teresa De Sio (which obviously took me around 'cause the stress via e-mail and offered a lot of passion in her performance) and then I embraced Simon Webbe (talking about our respective babies), also because 'I presume to call myself a friend of his ... I've seen him grow and mature artistically, as we also noticed that many in Oliveto Citra have submerged the applausi.Tra young, I too agree on the choice of the four finalists and the victory of NoBraino: their musical project 's damn mature and ready to explode, just to find good professionals to work with. I'm excited for the rhythmic pop of a couple of songs from The Hunger for Camilla (songs that I've already 'imagined version of video clips) of the composition of courage Tavernicoli (gypsies performed to classical music, through the wastelands of Siberia, without the use of the word ...) and the power of group of Zed, a singer company of friends and boyfriends that make you jump on the spot where you sit. Even if they did not arrive to the final, really thrilling show the Awa, and Nathan Fabularasa: all three have in fact missed the third night for a handful of votes, and would certainly deserved. Want to see me touch 'also produce their cd? They deserve it ... call me at Marengo and
Pergolani ...... ready? Could you pass the acchiappatalenti? Each of the musicians that has' appeared more stressed 'times the professionalism' of the stage and service available: on this good work done by the Royal Box by Gianni Sergio and coordination offered by Gino have.
The victory went to NoBraino that hit, as well as for the lyrics and music, including the spectacular exhibition. The group of Riccione has won the prestigious award in front of an enthusiastic audience of over 3000 people. The jury and 'was accompanied by the popular one: as I have seen (and to tell on stage) is the technique that populate each evening have been found in the reviews agree complessivi.Cio' I said pointing out some peculiarities' of each single evening, so 'that you had a transitory memory, then putting it in the book memories that sooner or later I will write'...... as well as the spirit with which the Author and Demo of 'developed (more' repeatedly from the stage is by Renato Marengo Michael Pergolani, perfectly integrated with each other, without any plot or rehearsal ... so were going to arm !), among the musicians I've seen a lot of collaboration / complicity 'and almost never rivalry' or envious: I am a witness of small gestures that make the magic in life backstage ... photo of a performance made by the group which then would perform ... cd to more exchanges of 'I can not ... number of cells passed from one band to another ... appointments for the following days ... suggestions from musicians about what kind of arrangement do .... nice! Really nice, a crystal-clear air to breathe like this, but the guilt 'of Marengo and Pergolani,' cause they are so accustomed to 'the musicians who went from demo and believe in the philosophy of this trasmissione.Un thanks from my guests: I have the pleasure to meet again after decades Avion Travel, I made four good laugh with Teresa De Sio (which obviously took me around 'cause the stress via e-mail and offered a lot of passion in her performance) and then I embraced Simon Webbe (talking about our respective babies), also because 'I presume to call myself a friend of his ... I've seen him grow and mature artistically, as we also noticed that many in Oliveto Citra have submerged the applausi.Tra young, I too agree on the choice of the four finalists and the victory of NoBraino: their musical project 's damn mature and ready to explode, just to find good professionals to work with. I'm excited for the rhythmic pop of a couple of songs from The Hunger for Camilla (songs that I've already 'imagined version of video clips) of the composition of courage Tavernicoli (gypsies performed to classical music, through the wastelands of Siberia, without the use of the word ...) and the power of group of Zed, a singer company of friends and boyfriends that make you jump on the spot where you sit. Even if they did not arrive to the final, really thrilling show the Awa, and Nathan Fabularasa: all three have in fact missed the third night for a handful of votes, and would certainly deserved. Want to see me touch 'also produce their cd? They deserve it ... call me at Marengo and