Wednesday, June 28, 2006

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Church of Our Lady Thank You "

The only sources, from which we can go back to a first date are reported for the inclusion on the portal of entry that quotes verbatim:
sacellum HOC
"Year of our Lord 1497. This church, rustic prepared for all the wonders of the Mother of God, is now built in this more refined"

From this inclusion we deduce that there was probably before the present church structure, of which there are no other news, perhaps it was a smaller church or a simple shrine.
This hypothesis is strengthened by the presence of a stone column surmounted by a cross, dated 1096 AD, these columns were usually placed in front of places of worship.
fact two other columns bill similar to the latter are present in Oliveto Citra at a church and a convent.
The existing plant consists of two aisles, greater and less.
The facade is marked at the bottom, the main portal, made of limestone, which has a depressed arch, jambs with shaped corners of the shoulder. The portal is closed above, with a frame on which are grafted two pinnacles.
addition to the main entrance is visible in the print of stucco another passage referring to the previous phase of the church.
the top of the facade there are two rectangular windows, one of which is placed on axis with the entrance portal, between two windows is a quote elliptical medallion.
A triangular gable ends the facade with a central opening aligned with the elliptical medallion below.
The church has traces of frescoes and decorations, it is evident that in the past, despite its small local and peripheral, were very interesting rich artistic heritage.
times in the nave are visible fragments of frescoes, such as a deposition, which are in a critical condition.
You can still see some plastic decorations of stucco putti shaped floral motifs and scrolls of different forms.
The nave is characterized by a series of round arches, which divide it into three rooms, and a whole series of vaults.
The first is the input, setting out in front with two decorative arches, and a sculpture with two putti, inserted in the center of the vault.
The second room, painted in several parts, is characterized by the presence of a pulpit, clear example of local processing, dating back to 1880 from an inscription at the center of it. The pulpit is supported by two columns show the grooves in the middle.
Both the second the third room are divided by a strip paved with bricks, which breaks the whole beat in concrete, which characterizes the entire system.
The third room is the most important, particularly for the expansion of the cruise and the presence above the altar.
At the base of the latter there is a tiled floor checkerboard design. The altar, made of marble, is surmounted by an apparatus of scrolls and rich stucco decorations, inside which was placed the altarpiece.
from the altar, then, leads to the sacristy through two side entrances, both paved with tiles.
The sacristy, which is in a state of total decay, has a brick floor tiles in the center pane, and is topped by a time to suck painted in tones very strong. The secondary
nave, divided into two rooms, is also rich stucco decorations, and is covered by a vault and a sailboat.
the arch that separates the living space is a sculpture composed of a dove central and cherubs surrounded by a wreath of flowers.
From this aisle opens into a closed environment that served as a deposit. The Church of
Madonna delle Grazie, in fact, is one of the last vestiges of an important and fundamental part of the story-people, cultural, religious and artistic - of Oliveto Citra.
The works of greater value, at the moment are not in the church, because of the widespread state of disrepair.
They are the altar-table-oil on the Madonna delle Grazie, author unknown.
This shovel is depicted Mary holding the baby and two archangels that the crown, in the upper register there is a crucifixion scene, while the lower one, appear to the souls in purgatory. Another work
rediscovered recently is a Christ Crucified, even the latter is made of wood and was recently restored to its original state, and you can date it to the seventeenth century.
There is yet another wooden statue, also depicting the Madonna delle Grazie with Child (Madonna del Latte), recently restored, that you do not know the date.


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