Author: John of Iacovo
Publisher: Palomar
E.14, 00
Born in Pescara in 1975 and 2001 winner in the Literature section of the Biennale of Young Artists from Europe and the Mediterranean, Giovanni Di Iacovo with "Sushi Bar Sarajevo" writes a work of excellent quality.
An exceptional book, here's how you can define the work of young writer of our house. The novel has a dense and interesting storyline that engages the reader line by line, found himself thrown into an environment full of surprises and clever twists that take place within the time span of three decades (1995-2025). The story begins in Sarajevo haunted by blood and terror because of the war. During the night of the siege
Tomislav three brothers, Vlad and Maja are lost. Their fates will be combined with that of a wealthy woman obsessed by a dream that tied Guglielmo Marconi Gabriele D'Annunzio. Hilarious moments and fascinating events that capture and create the proper tension. Characters curious and worthy of attention in alternate micro reinterpreted in social fiction
Journey between present, past and future travel through time ago in a whirlwind. Starting point is the war in Bosnia, to lead to an apocalyptic future full of changes. But the story gets even more color when it was screened in the great talk show, hosted by Max Magenta, the most popular presenters, which is neatly the ambiguity between spectacle and audience ratings, also willing to do anything until you get to most extreme spectacle of death live. In this cynical and distorted everything can become a source of business even war. You can talk of irony and exquisite cultured analyzing the deformation of our present, where spying and being spied on is a status symbol and where "the public is not enough to their own lives, audiences want to enjoy some good sip of the lives of others, especially if a little 'sick', as the writer writes. Then again, a Big Brother that takes place in a center for cruel medical experiments, the Falange Armata Conceptual artists, the secret war between Aleister Crowley and the Bush family, mysterious murders that take place within a community that lives in a huge agglomeration-city shopping center called Town Mall, a perfect synthesis of politics and money are nothing more than all the elements that you will find in a novel that marks the debut of John Iacovo that, as stated by Valerio Evangelisti, "not could be brighter. "
attentive reader can not help but think, after reading the novel, of how complicated the moment in which we live, was also better than others, where anything can become a spectacle.
express her feelings and fears, has become almost commonplace to diminish their complexity. It is said that today the important thing is to show the essential key to get the true power: to enchant the crowds.
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