New interviews for us:) For all players Wl Greistal here is an interview with one of the best in my opinion made so far;)
1) name and surname?
Jurij Gosso
2) nick at t1?
3) Do you know why I interview you today?
Be ', I suppose because I came top in the final WL?
Look, you have another great interview because I split with a teammate who is my former student, is like Magic and as a real school!
4) how to play magic?
were the last time the Italian Revised in a white border (2nd edition) ... But output is now the fourth edition (3 ^ Italian) with all new cards and then buy that!
What was the '94 ...? I am now 15 years!
I think I'm one of the few who have been taught to play by a young girl, my neighbor!
5) What was your first deck?
I had opened a Crusade and I refused to exchange it (I do not know that I wanted to, I suppose crap in return) and it was an embryonic version of White Weenie!
6) the first played in a tournament deck?
Always White Weenie.
And even when I started to buy the P9, I played a White Weenie splash of blue Ancestral, Time Walk, Monk, Psionic Blast with Pearl and Sapphire (the Lotus I had not yet)!
7) result that you did that day?
The first time I have not spent the heats ...
With the "Power WW", instead I won! ... Monk mono-Armageddon!
8) your favorite deck in general?
Be ', continues to be the WW ... Legacy In a few years ago we won a tournament ... But
T1 when it comes to my favorite deck is a blue-based control.
Soon I gave up on WW, that T1 is underpowered, and I adopted Keeper ... Unless an interlude of artifacts (and Pentastax UBAzaar) I've always preferred the controls (Hulk Smash, Slaver, Tyrant Oath, Bomberman, and Gifts Tezzeret).
Among these, probably my favorite is Slaver.
9) and your favorite deck now?
The latest incarnation of the controls: Tezzeret.
10) Why?
Win condition fast and compact, a large number of manipulations and allowing CATCH - where possible - the player to affect the result. The mirror control is one of the best things about Magic!
11) a deck that you want to play?
Look, after 15 years of playing the cards I own almost all the decks and I tried them a bit 'all ...
I miss Grim Tutor, and then say Grim Long and variants.
But I know that I get bored playing combo ... It's very beautiful and challenging puzzle to solve in different situations ...
But I prefer to have more interaction with your opponent!
12) a result of which you are proud of?
The latter is not only a personal achievement but also result of a team that rewards the dedication of this small colony of Magic in a village of 5000 souls, lost in the Piedmont countryside: Cavour.
... Winning a tournament is nice, but split with your former student is priceless!
13) It 'important to be good players in t1?
course it's important. It is true that the format by its very nature allows relieved incredible recoveries ... It's his charm!
But I would not have won some of my opponent had not made some mistakes too!
14) testing will improve their skills?
Nature. At all levels.
First you learn to avoid all those smudges that sometimes cost games.
On the other you learn to use those small bluff to deceive the opponent. (Simple example: declare the attack without having the Drain in hand.)
Third, you happen before in situations that may occur later in the tournament and you already know how to react.
15) is such a good player if he can win in situations where a normal player would lose?
Often yes, but not the only possible definition.
Indeed, sometimes it's just a less experienced player coming out of a situation with a move outside the schemes.
A good player is one who can consider more alternatives and more forward in the turns, just like in chess, or it can find a winning line is completely outside the box, or, more simply, committing few or no errors .
Sometimes luck in Magic the component (which is higher than I'd like) frustrates the efforts of good playing a good player. Nevertheless, the skill it gives you that extra arrow to our bow that can often bring home lots would be lost!
16) is important to be good deck builder?
Yes, because if you do not it is still too hard to play a bunch downloaded from the Internet: a good deckbuilder understand the meaning of certain cards ... A bad deckbuilder play the deck in a suboptimal, change card which does not understand the meaning or leaves them without knowing how to play (which is even worse).
17) no room for personal choice in t1 in bunches?
space but there is very small.
usually play as much as possible of the Restricted List is the right choice and this limits the possibilities for their own tech.
Two sets of ten cards that differ in T1 non-land are practically two different decks. Other
speech is playing a completely new deck ... The last I saw Miroir Magique ... Honor the Canadian who invented but as you can see the room for maneuver is small!
18) Branza limit was reasonable? Why?
Yes and no.
Yes leveled in part because the strategic power of the blue (which remains at the top);
No paper because it was a highly interactive game that brought more luck to the component to the component skills.
19) What if I would limit the wizzard?
Nothing. Probably slimiterei ... Maybe Fact or Fiction and Balance.
But I must say that recently they did a good job removing Flash from meta decks is amazing how different strategies are so balanced!
20) a player who estimates?
Andrea Garella. One of the few with whom I get up from his chair even if I'm happy!
21) of t1 the best player of all time?
I'll go against the current, but does not mention an Italian player.
Stephen Menendian I like it a lot.
Obviously, I've never played against ... And his speeches are always incredible antipathy.
But cabbage is someone who really knows the size of the deep. Council at all, if you have not yet read the article he wrote on the Wizards site about the state of Vintage in 2008.
22) a person who would like to see all'invitational this year?
level of Italian players and I respect much Biava Inj, but I guess it did not need my blessing to do the invitational!
23) t1 is reviving the wizzard or the killing?
There are always ups and downs, regardless of what makes the Wizards.
The time format is very balanced and fun, more we can not ask!
24) who wins the next tournament?
Michele Airaudo
25) we finished want healthier?
Be 'yes, all the players, my teammates and you, the organizers of Liguria, in a moment, however difficult.
the next!
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