Saturday, June 20, 2009

Ohio Driver License Template


1) name and surname?
Simone Giaquinto

2) nick at t1? Jack

3) Do you know why I interview today?
I have to interview more to put on the site ...

4) how to play magic?
11 years (with pauses for a few years)

5) What was your first deck?
green-blue to show and tell and pipers Elvish giant cow O_O

6) played the first deck in a tournament?
zoo 4c

7) that result you did that day?

8) your favorite deck in general?
Tyrant Oath

9) and your favorite deck now?
Tyrant Oath

10) Why?
why can gamble against all

11) a deck that you want to play?

12) a result of which you are proud of?
fifth place in Annecy to Bom2

13) It 'important to be good players in t1?
I think it is 50% skill and 50% Fortunately

14) testing will improve their skills?
is undoubtedly

15) is such a good player if he can win in situations where a normal player would lose? I think so

16) is important to be good deck builder?
is very important

17) in t1 is no room for personal choice in the decks?
few obviously can not be ignored by the bombs limited, otherwise there's little room

18) Branza limit was reasonable? Why?
you. because all I want her back. so it's a broken

19) What if I would limit the wizzard?
BAZAAR OF BAGHDAD. Enough with the antimagic!

20) a player who estimates?
Dok Wally

21) the best player of all time t1? Nn
know what to say, there are many really good

22) a person who would like to see all'invitational this year?
is indifferent

23) t1 is reviving the wizzard or the killing?
a bit 'is being turned around, you're a bit' too far with the legacy of late

24) who wins the next tournament?
I hope;)

25) we have finite want healthy?
No. (joke) Hello everyone!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Simple Bench Blueprints

The first serious interview alloy WL: CICCIOS VERSUS LUCIOS

I am coming to (not intended as private message) on type1 this great interview with Lucio Ciccio. I can only bow before this manifestation of higher intelligence that clash but at the same time meet, and carry the interview as I was sent, without changing one iota. Michele

C. - Mr. Lodato pleasure that one feels, with his brother, to organize tournaments for people subhuman figures in full in June instead of going to sea?

L. - A pleasure indiscrivibilmente subhuman, paramagic. Much better than going to the beach and watch cunt.

C. - She is commonly recognized as an incurable trassone. Why do you think all of his opposition are so stoned you do not notice it?

L. - But I do not know. For example, yesterday I won 7-0 against Ivan on vacation that is so poor as not accorgrsi of my deceptions. I played rusalka saying that comes into play when I draw 4 cards and discard one and he believed it.

C. - It 's never been sexually attracted to a card, a player or a bunch of magic?

L. - Yes definitely. As for the paper I get excited at the mere sight of the sickly flock, I am a fetishist of Staker and I love Ciccio version of Afro trans [refer to photo]

C. - All admires WL his bearded macho Latin. She was born like that or is subjected to p trpianto lately?

L. - No comment. It 'a secret so mysterious that compared the secrets of the mystery of man seem to be the toys of oveti Kinder.

C. - What snsazioni you try to live under one roof with stsso Michael, Ivan Viola and also well even on vacation?

Law - Initially thought to peaceful coexistence. Then I discovered that the residence had been military occupation by the troops on leave. I suspect that most FaĆ  Ivano not return to the home of Milan Butt heavy

C. - She is vying for the invitesciuuuunal. Why phases of nervous at tournaments on Sunday instead of sleeping?

L. - To love paramagic dl. And why not if I wake up to the decent hour Sunday Ivan drags me to a tournament in Legacy.

C. - A good player is that because it can get out of difficult situations where others could not or because life has nothing better to do but play the figurine?

L. - Contrary to public opinion in magic that matters is the choice of wig. In this sense, I can tell you mine.

C. - Prefer to win the league WL, invitesciuuunal and second wife with Angelina Jolie or set fire to his car?

L. I like the premise fate Rusalka Jolie, if I choose I would say both.