Monday, June 15, 2009

Simple Bench Blueprints

The first serious interview alloy WL: CICCIOS VERSUS LUCIOS

I am coming to (not intended as private message) on type1 this great interview with Lucio Ciccio. I can only bow before this manifestation of higher intelligence that clash but at the same time meet, and carry the interview as I was sent, without changing one iota. Michele

C. - Mr. Lodato pleasure that one feels, with his brother, to organize tournaments for people subhuman figures in full in June instead of going to sea?

L. - A pleasure indiscrivibilmente subhuman, paramagic. Much better than going to the beach and watch cunt.

C. - She is commonly recognized as an incurable trassone. Why do you think all of his opposition are so stoned you do not notice it?

L. - But I do not know. For example, yesterday I won 7-0 against Ivan on vacation that is so poor as not accorgrsi of my deceptions. I played rusalka saying that comes into play when I draw 4 cards and discard one and he believed it.

C. - It 's never been sexually attracted to a card, a player or a bunch of magic?

L. - Yes definitely. As for the paper I get excited at the mere sight of the sickly flock, I am a fetishist of Staker and I love Ciccio version of Afro trans [refer to photo]

C. - All admires WL his bearded macho Latin. She was born like that or is subjected to p trpianto lately?

L. - No comment. It 'a secret so mysterious that compared the secrets of the mystery of man seem to be the toys of oveti Kinder.

C. - What snsazioni you try to live under one roof with stsso Michael, Ivan Viola and also well even on vacation?

Law - Initially thought to peaceful coexistence. Then I discovered that the residence had been military occupation by the troops on leave. I suspect that most FaĆ  Ivano not return to the home of Milan Butt heavy

C. - She is vying for the invitesciuuuunal. Why phases of nervous at tournaments on Sunday instead of sleeping?

L. - To love paramagic dl. And why not if I wake up to the decent hour Sunday Ivan drags me to a tournament in Legacy.

C. - A good player is that because it can get out of difficult situations where others could not or because life has nothing better to do but play the figurine?

L. - Contrary to public opinion in magic that matters is the choice of wig. In this sense, I can tell you mine.

C. - Prefer to win the league WL, invitesciuuunal and second wife with Angelina Jolie or set fire to his car?

L. I like the premise fate Rusalka Jolie, if I choose I would say both.


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